Jon's Room

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Anniversary =D

I said that i would be sleeping by 10:30 today because i have absolutely nothing to do. But..sigh...that is not the case. I have a new song that im addicted to! Start of Something New - Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens from High School Musical =]
Oh well...
today... I did my math test, i think did okay for once. But then class starts at like 8:25, and then i was finished my test at 9:05 =/ I always finish tests so quickly for some reason.
Then i went to a George Brown College presentation during my spare. Their education program is better than ryerson =o First year...4 days in a day care center and 1 day in class, then next year is vice versa. Then if my average after that is a B, i can switch to ryerson for 2 years of study and get a college and university diploma =D And then i found out i do not neeed a 65 in math to be looked at, but it's better if i do get a 65 or higher.
And then downloaded like a kajillion songs for sisi again.
And now also have been subbed for irene to do her bible study for her, but cool thing i got alysan to help me =]
omgosh im exciting for friday and saturday...i hope it works out this time...
i need to ask julia when and where she is going shopping on friday so i can go.
and i need to find out if she can come to fellowship on saturday on our 1 month anniversary, hahaha, because her friend abby which is sharon's friend is going, and they can drive each other. =D *fingers are crossed* hope for the best
and omgosh i won't be in sunday school this sunday or the next 3 months...i guess you can guess why =p
baptismal class.....
with curtis =O

Friday, November 24, 2006


i'm excited for fellowship this week, but obviously we're gonna get destroyed =p
and i'll get destroyed by maureen x_x i'm not coming, haha school...i used canto 50% of the time socializing, that's pretty cool, haha
then we played mahjong again during our 2nd period spare. i won once...out of like 5...and the direction got stuck on me for like a round or two cause no one was winning...And i was close to winning 2 times too! i was missing one tile...damn person kept holding my tiles so i wouldn't win ><"
Then afterwards...after i got home...i walked around my street just because the weather was nice =] and then i .... went to fmp with my dad to eat something and drink bubble tea =D
then we had a..2.5 hour dinner because it was my grandpa's birthday =p
and i'm addicted to the song Beautiful Soul - Jesse Mcartney =o

Monday, November 20, 2006


omg i think i'm still a bit sick ><
and i couldn't sleep last night...
but then i was at my grandparents place for dinner...then my cousins place to play and stuff afterwards...then got home at like 11:30 >_<
and then couldn't sleep till 1 or so...=/
now i'm in school, and i'm sooooo tired, i can barely keep my eyes open .. and still coughing a bit =p
and then for guys night out, jonsy was like "hey you thought of what to do yet?" I'm like yeah...but its either you don't want to bowl, or james doesn't want to play bball, or the boys won't do such things ><
i quit ! =o, we can't do anything, lol
Nothing is noble enough, the boys don't want to do much of it, or the counsellors don't want to do it ...
oh well...can't wait for christmas break =D

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

spreading like wildfire..

oh my gosh....
first of all...when my dad was going through math with me...i just started to work away...then he looks at my ipod, and sees julia's picture on it, and just goes...oh is this your girlfriend now...then i was just like oh crap!?!? wth do i i was*smiles*, then doesn't look at his expression...
i guess my entire family knows now...immediate family....cousins and all that....

Then....before leaving home for fellowship the past week....i was talking to julia on the phone, then her cousins pick up the phone and heard her talking to me, now...afterwards at their family dinner that same night, they were like...Julia was talking to her i guess everyone in that family knows too...Isn't that just GREAT?!?!? i guess it is in a now they know what's going on, and i assume they will know what's coming up next, since they've probably been through that as well

Well...what to do....
when i see her...maybe end of nov, early december...i hope......x_x.....
to help her with her christmas tree and decorations =]
but then...meeting her parents is gonna be SO weird...cause then...its not the same as meeting you friend's parents cause of a project weird...its the weird that this kid likes my daughter, and my daughter likes this boy.....*EYES ON ME, JUDGES ME, LOOKS AT MY CAREFULLY*
no sisi they will NOT look at me as an ar cha yun -.- I GOT THE ASIAN FACEEEEEEE worries for me on that part =p, not nervous or panicing or anything, i'll just be myself...not myself in the way that makes a fool out of himself, maybe later when they"know" me better and more comfortable, hehe

and i still have no input on what to do for guys night out -.-...whyyyyy am i leading it...whyyyy do they have zero input....WHYYYYY EVERYTHING....

Saturday, November 11, 2006


as the title says....sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i'm not doing well in math, and i can't drop it, cause then otherwise that kills almost all the programs i can get into, and i would be considered as a "part time student"cause i'll have 2 courses, which is gay. Now 5th period next semester i have a course behaviour, cause there was nothing else to get a credit with <_< dont even know what the course is about.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I watched Flushed Away with my cousins! that movie was good, but it wasn't as good as Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo and Shrek. Those are like the bestest disney pixar moovies =]
and then i dropped by irene's place to pick her up after the movie cause she had no ride to church...then she ate dinner with us! and ... we talked about school x_x...and how teachers nowadays suck badly
sigh it was time for me to... lead gym night o.o
i had fun laughing at you people!
like the first game! the popcorn one! eww...omgosh i had to pick up your grossly sucked on and saliva spitted on popcorn with my bare hands so i can count =P
and then...the stupid....thing game...with the rope, hahahaha that was dumb, i meant to say OVAL!! NOT SPHERE! HAHA i wasn't thinking x_x
and the box thing! hahahaha oh irene....she loved to say the wrong directions =P
and my favourite game of all! HIP DANCE! YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHH
i also liked you guys shaking your bum bums, except i didn't see it =[
all caught on tape! i wouldn't mind my alphabet on youtube, but kevin was there =P
but hehe, i had fun...
i also know what i want for christmas...:P
a pink set of pjs with strawberries + stars on it with pink slippers =]